Summaries of books about Health & Fitness:
Spontaneous Healing
How to Discover and Enhance Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself
Andrew WeilMD
The book explores the concept of the human body's innate healing abilities, providing insights into how individuals can tap into and enhance these natural processes. It offers practical advice on lifestyle, nutrition, and alternative therapies that can support overall health and facilitate recovery from illness and injury.
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Potatoes Not Prozac
A Natural Seven-Step Plan to: Control Your Craving
Kathleen DesMaisons
The book presents a dietary and lifestyle program designed to help individuals overcome sugar sensitivity and addiction, which can lead to mood swings, depression, and weight problems. It outlines a seven-step plan that includes eating regular meals, incorporating complex carbohydrates, and avoiding sugar, to stabilize blood sugar levels and improve emotional well-being.
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Never Bet Against Occam
Mast Cell Activation Disease and the Modern Epidemics of Chronic Illness and Medical Complexity
Lawrence B. Afrin
The book explores Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), a relatively newly recognized condition that can cause a wide range of symptoms across multiple systems in the body, often leading to misdiagnosis and complex medical challenges. It delves into patient case studies, the science behind MCAS, and the importance of considering this condition in the differential diagnosis of chronic, unexplained illnesses.
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Anatomy Trains E-Book
Thomas W. Myers
The book presents a unique understanding of the role of fascia in human anatomy, exploring how muscles are interconnected through myofascial meridians that distribute strain and affect posture and movement. It provides detailed illustrations and comprehensive information on the myofascial 'anatomy trains' which are essential for therapists and movement professionals in assessing and improving a person's biomechanics.
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Nursing Care Plans
Guidelines for Individualizing Client Care Across the Life Span
Marilynn E Doenges|Mary Frances Moorhouse|Alice C Murr
The book provides a comprehensive collection of care plans tailored to meet the specific health care needs of patients at different stages of life. It includes detailed guidelines for assessment, diagnoses, expected outcomes, interventions, and rationales to aid nurses in delivering personalized and effective patient care.
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The Fifth Vital Sign
Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility
Lisa Hendrickson-Jack
The book presents the menstrual cycle as a vital sign, akin to blood pressure or pulse, arguing that it reflects overall health and fertility. It educates readers on how to track their menstrual cycles, understand hormonal health, and addresses common reproductive issues, providing a comprehensive guide to natural fertility management and women's health.
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Finally Focused
The Breakthrough Natural Treatment Plan for ADHD That Restores Attention, Minimizes Hyperactivity, and Helps Eliminate Drug Side Effects
James Greenblatt|Bill Gottlieb
The book presents a comprehensive treatment plan for ADHD that emphasizes the use of natural remedies and nutritional interventions to improve focus and reduce hyperactivity. It offers strategies to address mineral imbalances, optimize diet, and potentially reduce the reliance on pharmaceutical medications and their associated side effects.
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Gray Cook
The book provides a systematic approach to evaluating and improving movement patterns to prevent injuries and enhance athletic performance, introducing the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and offering corrective exercises. It emphasizes the importance of functional movements in physical conditioning and rehabilitation, bridging the gap between the fitness and medical communities.
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Just Breathe
Mastering Breathwork
Dan Brule
The book provides a comprehensive guide to breathwork, detailing various techniques and exercises designed to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It explores the transformative power of conscious breathing practices, offering practical advice for improving health, increasing performance, and achieving a deeper sense of inner peace.
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Dr. Lani's No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide
The Truth About Density Testing, Osteoporosis Drugs, and Building Bone Quality at Any Age
Lani Simpson
The book provides readers with comprehensive information on bone health, including insights into bone density testing, the effectiveness and risks of osteoporosis medications, and practical advice on nutrition, supplements, and exercise to improve and maintain bone quality throughout one's life. It aims to debunk common myths and empower individuals with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their bone health and treatment options.
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